Postmodern delirium. A review of Islamophobia as a technology of power. Study on political anthropology by Monika Bobako
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technology of power

How to Cite

Dobosz, K. A. (2018). Postmodern delirium. A review of Islamophobia as a technology of power. Study on political anthropology by Monika Bobako. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 28(2), 222–234.


This text situates Monika Bobako's argument from the book Islamophobia as a technology of power. Study on political anthropology in the context of the increasing interest of the public in xenophobic hatred in recent years. The author reconstructs the methodological perspective employed by Bobako, who combines studies on anti-Semitism with the analysis of western Islamophobia. This allows the philosopher to present Islamophobia as an element of a specific political and social project. The author of the text indicates that Bobako’s study on the aetiology and functions of Islamophobia, understood primarily as a code by which the current (neo-liberal) anxieties of European societies are articulated, remains unique in the context of Polish studies on the subject of anti-Muslim xenophobia.
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