The contemporaneity has been redefined, the transition has happened. Symptoms of its end were as follows: redefinition of the concept of democracy, crisis of the classic notion of value and the failure of U.S. unilateralism. Objective determinants of the new order – arising from the crisis of sovereignty – are grounded in the separation of legitimacy and effectiveness. The constituent power is redefined as immanent tool for ordering actions. On the one hand, the biopolitical structure of reality nowadays enters the conflict with the old concept of law, on the other, it dislocates the relation between technical and political composition of the labor force. A loss of a control over a new, socialized form of living labor by the power becomes paradigmatic for the contemporaneity. Worker doesn’t contact with profit but rent, he stands in the front of “collective capitalist”, who is now a forger of the social work. In this situation, a constituent resistance is realized in a practice of exodus. The resistance becomes also a process of reclaiming the common. The common, which is opposed to the private, as well as to the public, becomes a dispositive of radical and democratic form of governance.License
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