Monsters. Feminist Reading of Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth
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biopolitical labor
reproductive labor
care labor

How to Cite

Majewska, E. (2011). Monsters. Feminist Reading of Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 4, 103–112.


I propose a discussion of some feminist observations concerning the book Commonwealth by Negri and Hardt. I focus on the issues of biopolitical labor and the topics developed in feminist analysis of reproductive and care labor, I also suggest, that there are problems regarding the body and sexuality, that need to be solved. In my discussion of the book I also rise some problems concerning the conditions of occupying the position of the excluded, and the colonial exclusions in particular, I refer to some observations made by Gayatri Spivak in her essay Can the Subaltern Speak?. As an extremely interesting proposition of emancipatory theory, I think that the project of Negri and Hardt need to be discussed, also from the perspectives I have mentioned.
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