Nietzsche’s critique of theistic thinking seems to be one of the major sources of Deleuze’s philosophy. The notion of becoming godless might cast light upon what the French philosopher intended to achieve through his “noology” and critique of the “traditional image of thought”, i.e. a paradigm of reflection that makes any idea “pious” or even God’s own idea, supposing hidden theology behind anthropology, as well as making truth “absolute”. Against such a priestly philosophy searching for the Truth, Deleuze proposed his own unorthodox view the “invention of truths”, a creative undermining of the strict true/false distinction. Furthermore, it led him to question the notion of the sense as theomorphic structure whereby it is akin to the “soul” of the object. To postulate a “reversal of Platonism” is to change sense into the “body” of an object. Although Deleuze’s effort to reinterpret the sense of sense might seem too experimental, we should see it more as his navigation through an intellectual game rather than his “beliefs” – only then can we unfold their subversive power of inspiration.
Deleuze G. 1997. Różnica i powtórzenie. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
Deleuze G. 2011. Logika sensu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Deleuze G., Guattari F. 1996. A Thousand Plateaus. London: University of Minnesota Press.
Descartes R. 2001. Medytacje o pierwszej filozofii. Kęty: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki.
Nietzsche F. 1997. Z genealogii moralności. Kraków: Znak.
Nietzsche F. 2008. Radosna wiedza. Gdańsk: Słowo/obraz terytoria.
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