Where it is not the Place and when it is not the Moment. Lenin, Luxemburg, Populists: Class Struggle and Development of Capitalism
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development of capitalism
class struggle
revolutionary organization

How to Cite

Roggero, G. (2012). Where it is not the Place and when it is not the Moment. Lenin, Luxemburg, Populists: Class Struggle and Development of Capitalism. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 6, 217–250. https://doi.org/10.14746/prt.2012.6.13


The article points out a central topic in the relationship between Lenin’s
and Luxemburg’s praxis: the problem of revolutionary organization within and against the development of capitalism. On this way, it analyzes in a genealogical perspective the polemic by Lenin against narodniki; the richness and the limits of Luxemburg’s reading of the capital accumulation; the continuous repeating of the original violence of the “primitive accumulation” that proposes the contemporary form of the separation of the living labor with regard of the common. On these bases, the article criticizes the new populisms, giving to this category a historically determined meaning. Focusing the development of capitalism, the goal is to displace the dialectic between nostalgic and teleological readings, and to point out the condition of possibility of the class struggle and the revolutionary break. That is to say, the liberation of the living labor common’s potentia.

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