Post-operaist readings of Marxian ‘Fragment on Machines” in the light of their critiques.
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critique of political economy

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Szadkowski, K. (2013). Post-operaist readings of Marxian ‘Fragment on Machines” in the light of their critiques. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 9(3), 63–110.


Text undertakes a much needed contextual and critical reading of Marxian
„Fragment on Machines” from the Grundrisse. The crucial thesis states that despite
the seeming crisis of the post-operaist Marxism, theoretical intuitions formulated
by thinkers like Negri, Virno, Vercellone are still valid. Three various but interrelated
types of post-operaist reading are presented here in detail to support the
argument: the political, the philosophical and the historico-economical. In the
last part of the paper they are confronted with three main lines of critique of the
post-operaist readings: the philological, the political-economic and the „political”.
Through such a confrontation some of the arguments are refuted and reevaluated.
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