This article attempts to present the question of the co-called transition period, which according to Marxist theoreticians, emerges after the overthrow of capitalism by the workers’ revolution. The main sources for my study are the views of those Marxists who, directly or indirectly, participated in the three “great debates” about socialist economics (calculation debate, debates about planning in the Soviet Union and in revolutionary Cuba). To present how Marxism describes the question of Post-capitalist reality, I rely on the writings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Leon Trotsky and Ernest Mandel, and I try to create an outline of social-economic model. Description, which emerged from writings of the aforementioned authors, presents a society based on workers’ democracy in the workplace (economic) and state (political) levels and democratic planning, whose aim is to satisfy the needs. Such a description of the Post-capitalist society is radically different from the reality of the Stalinist bureaucratic regimes.References
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