The Precariousness of Care Labour Through Body and Mind. A Feminist Analysis of Precarious Work and the Social Reproduction of Migrant and Ethnic Minority Workers
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precarious work

How to Cite

Sahraoui, N. (2016). The Precariousness of Care Labour Through Body and Mind. A Feminist Analysis of Precarious Work and the Social Reproduction of Migrant and Ethnic Minority Workers. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 21(3), 94–115.


This article examines how the contributions of feminist moral philosophy and the ethic of care can advance an understanding of precarious work through an empirical analysis of migrant and minority ethnic workers’ experiences in private older-age care. This article analyses care workers’ bodily and emotional labour and provides insights into processes of work intensification. The ‘epistemic privilege’ of migrant and minority ethnic care workers’ voices reveals furthermore the vulnerabilities that characterize patterns of social reproduction that rely on an unequal distribution of care responsibilities within society. The findings presented rely on doctoral research, which drew upon 81 interviews with migrant and minority ethnic care workers in London, Paris, and Madrid.
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