Marx without organs
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body without organs

How to Cite

Rudnicki, C. (2017). Marx without organs. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 25(3), 384–397.


This text attempts to reveal the relationship between Marx’s thought and the ontology of desire presented in Anti-Oedipus. Its key mode of operation, allowing exposure of the relationship between these two philosophical projects, will consist of omitting any references to psychoanalysis. Thus, the basic concepts forming the theoretical grid of Anti-Oedipus – concepts such as desire, body, unconsciousness, code, lack, and even Oedipus – will be explained without reference to the writings of Freud, Lacan and Melanie Klein. Too much time has been devoted to these last-named, as a result narrowing down the circle of recipients of Deleuze and Guattari’s work. It seems that the communication block was created primarily between Anti-Oedipus and the Marxist milieu (not counting a few minor exceptions). This is a channel that should finally be made available.
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Rudnicki, Cezary. 2015. „Deleuze i Guattari o dwóch zagrożeniach”. Kronos. Metafizyka, kultura, religia 4: 50–66. ( dw%C3%B3ch_zagro%C5%BCeniach, data dostępu: 04.07.2017).

Swianiewicz, Jan. 2014. Możliwość makrohistorii. Braudel, Wallerstein, Deleuze. Toruń/Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.

Tronti, Mario. 2013. „Fabryka i społeczeństwo”. Tłum. Sławomir Królak. (data dostępu: 04.07.2017).