Félix Guattari, Critics of Psychoanalysis and the Case of La Borde
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Félix Guattari
La Borde
critics of psychoanalysis

How to Cite

Mrówka, A. (2017). Félix Guattari, Critics of Psychoanalysis and the Case of La Borde. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 25(3), 331–341. https://doi.org/10.14746/prt.2017.3.15


The article explores basic theoretical approaches of Félix Guattari, who was associated with La Borde clinic where the innovative methods of institutional therapy were created. Criticizing Freud and Lacan’s psychoanalysis, Guattari established non-traditional tools for treating individual and collective identities, as well as alternative means of perception for subjectivity production and group phantasm. At La Borde, Guattari, along with collaborators such as Frantz Fanon, developed the schizoanalytical method based on transversal relations and machinic unconsciousness, terms strictly related to the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of Anti-Oedipus.
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