Dual Power. Fredric Jameson and Utopian Speculation
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Fredric Jameson
Theodor Adorno
Ernst Bloch
dual power

How to Cite

Milenkowicz, Łukasz. (2017). Dual Power. Fredric Jameson and Utopian Speculation. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 25(3), 291–304. https://doi.org/10.14746/prt.2017.3.12


This article constitutes an attempt to reconstruct the utopian society projected in An American Utopia. Dual Power and the Universal Army by Fredric Jameson. Its interpretive framework grasps the utopian form as a modality. The manner in which the essay summarizes the previous work of the author is also assessed. Attention is given to the way the critical function of the utopian form makes itself apparent in the process of demonstrating its own impossibility.
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