Book Review: The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015


formal institutions
German Constitution
property rules
German economic history
German reunification
Eastern Germany

How to Cite

Moszyński, M. (2024). Book Review: The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015. Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 42(2), 223–226.

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The book titled The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015 prepared by Damian Bębnowski, a researcher at the University of Lodz was published in 2022 by Peter Lang. This comprehensive 440-page monograph is devoted to an important event in recent German history, namely, the reunification and the period of building a social market economy order in the former GDR during the period indicated in the title.


Bębnowski, D. (2022) The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights: The German Economy in 1990–2015. Berlin: Peter Lang. DOI:

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