Wielość światów. Kilka refleksji o twórczości lirycznej Pavla Straussa
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Pavol Strauss
Slovak literature
Slovak Catholic modernism

How to Cite

Dambek, M. (2018). Wielość światów. Kilka refleksji o twórczości lirycznej Pavla Straussa. Slavia Occidentalis, (73/2), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.14746/SO.2016.73.27


Writer Pavol Strauss is little known in Slovakia and Poland because there were several decades between his first collections of poetry written in the German language in the period between the two World Wars and his Slovak post-war essays, and then his other works (essays, diaries and aphorisms) published sporadically or after 1989 on the other. He published four collections of poetry in German: Die Kanone auf dem Ei (1936), Schwarze Verse (1937), Worte aus der Nacht (published bilingually in 2001) and Bruder Abel lebt ja noch (manuscript).
After 1946 Pavol Strauss stopped writing poetry and stopped writing in German.
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Kościelak L., Historia Słowacji, Wrocław 2010.

Klas T., http://www.pavolstrauss.sk/teofil-klas-poctivy-prorok-basnik/.

Kundera M., Die Prager Moderne. Erzählungen, Gedichte, Manifeste, prel. K. Chvatík, Frankfurt 1991.

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(Ne)naplnený čas Pavla Straussa, red. J. Leikert, Nitra 2006.

Pašteka J., Tvár a tvorba slovenskej katolíckej moderny, Bratislava 2002.

Strauss P., Die Kanone auf dem Ei, Prag 1936.

Strauss P., Schwarze Verse, Prag 1937.

Strauss P., Worte aus der Nacht. Slová z noci, Bratislava 2001.

Zweig S., Świat wczorajszy, tłum. M. Wisłowska, Warszawa 1958.