Thomas Tien Keng-hsin, SVD: The historical greatness of the first Cardinal of China and the Far East Part one


Cardinal Thomas Tien Keng-hsin
Church in China
The Second Vatican Council
Divine Word Missionaries in China

How to Cite

Miotk, A. (2019). Thomas Tien Keng-hsin, SVD: The historical greatness of the first Cardinal of China and the Far East Part one. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 23, 55–76.

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That fact that Thomas Tien became the first cardinal of China and the Far East surpassed thewildest dreams of Fr. Arnold Janssen, the founder of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD),who had sent the first two missionaries to China in 1879. He was one fruit of Janssen’sdecision and subsequent concentrated involvement of the Society in evangelizing China. Thisstudy gives an insight into historical greatness of Thomas Cardinal Tien Keng-hsin for theUniversal Church, the Society of the Divine Word and local Church in China. He emergesmainly as an iconic figure reflecting the developments in the Chinese Church and played asymbolical role for the universal Church as an important link in the process ofinternationalization of the Church and her subsequent self-actualization as a World Church atVatican II. The study aims at making us aware that Tien’s figure should have an integral placein the systematic and comprehensive research on the as yet little explored mission of theSociety of the Divine Word in China.


AG SVD 27 [a] 1936-1941/Sie-Tie: Superior General - Grendel to Provincial of Steyl – Wegener, 9 December 1939.

AG SVD 27 [b] 1936-1941/Sie-Tie: Procurator Meyer to Superior General, 12 January 1940.

AG SVD 27 [c] 1942-1950/Sta-Tie: Grendel to Lou Tsang-Tsiang, 19 January 1946.

AG SVD 27 [d] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Cardinal Tien to Anthony May, Techny, 3 June 1952.

AG SVD 27 [e] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: King to Superior General, 18 September 1951.

AG SVD 27 [f] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Tien to Superior General, Techny, 8 December 1952.

AG SVD 27 [g] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Tien to Superior General, Techny, 16 June 1953.

AG SVD 27 [h] 1957-1959, Thi-Vor: Tien to Superior General, Techny 24 November 1959.

AG SVD 27 [i] 1957-1959, Thi-Vor: Tien to Superior General, Techny, 15 December 1959.

AG SVD 27 [j] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Tien to Superior General, Techny, 9 June 1952.

AG SVD 27 [k] 1942-1950; Tien to Superior General, Shanghai, 8 August 1948.

AG SVD 27 [l] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Groessl to Superior General, 1 December 1949.

AG SVD 27 [m] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Tien to Superior General, 17 November 1949.

AG SVD 27 [n] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Grendel to Superior General, Rome, 3 December 1949.

AG SVD 27 [o] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Groessl to Superior General, Rome 14 February 1950.

AG SVD 27 [p] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Superior General to Groessl, St. Louis, 22 February 1950.

AG SVD 27 [q] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Grendel to Superior General, Rome, 17 December 1949.

AG SVD 27 [r] 1950-1953/Tab-Ver: Bishop Henry Valtorta, 3 January 1950.

AG SVD 29 [a] 1942-50/Sta-Tie: Karl Weber to Anthony May, 7 October 1946.

AG SVD 29 [b] 1942-50/Sta-Tie: Henninger to Grendel, 15 March 1946.

AG SVD 29 [c] 1942-50/Sta-Tie: Olbert to Grendel, Tsingtao Mission, 30 June 1946.

AG SVD 29 [d] 1942-50/Sta-Tie: Rahmann to Superior General, Peiping, 1 June 1948.

AG SVD 641 [a] 1940-1949: Università di Peking, Lumen 25 August 1946.

AG SVD Obituaries 1970-1974 [a]: Ernest Brandewie.

AG SVD: Obituaries 2003-2006 [b]: Heidenjunge aus Puoli. Der ungewöhnliche Weg des Kardinal Tien, 3.

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