The Fulbe of northern Cameroon on their way from Qadiriyya to Tijaniyya
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Różański, J. (2023). The Fulbe of northern Cameroon on their way from Qadiriyya to Tijaniyya. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 28, 59–75.

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In northern Nigeria in the 19th century, the Fulbe cleverly exploited Islam as a motivating and justifying factor in their war against the local Muslim rulers. In this way, they managed to establish a regional power – the caliphate (sultanate) of Sokoto, which for a long period dominated the feudal structures of the Fulani in northern Cameroon. Britain and then Germany aided in the downfall of the power and unity of the Sokoto caliphate. However, neither Germany nor later on France succeeded in eradicating Fulbe dominance over other peoples (Kirdi) in northern Cameroon. This was facilitated by the adoption of an indirect system of government. No change was brought about during Cameroon's years of independence. The Fulbe retained control of the state administration and beyond. Their influence, however, was challenged at the turn of the 20th century by new radical Muslim groups. These new Muslim groups embraced some of the ideas and practices that the Fulbe had previously used as weapons against them.
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