A new academic journal: Libertas Religiosa. An interdisciplinary study of religious freedom. T. 1 (2022)
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religious freedom
legal mechanisms

How to Cite

Różański, J. (2023). A new academic journal: Libertas Religiosa. An interdisciplinary study of religious freedom. T. 1 (2022). Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 28, 91–96. https://doi.org/10.14746/amp.2023.28.6

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The authors of the reviewed journal reflect on religious freedom as a specific aspect of freedom from the research perspectives of the various humanities disciplines and social sciences. The first issue of the reviewed journal demonstrates this diversity in form and content, as well as in the methods and scientific experience of the individual authors. Despite these differences in the scientific insight of the presented researchers, the editors of the journal decided to publish them on the assumption that, while the authors’ interests and methodological approaches differ, they are united above all by a much-needed diverse perspective on the problem of religious freedom. This vast scope of investigation, both workshop and cultural (as well as geographical) is critical here, since it imposes the multidisciplinary nature of the research, its holistic character and, to some measure, methodological cosmopolitanism, sooner or later. The titles of articles in the first volume suggest the relevance of the research included inside it, offering a fairly representative overview of the current interests of Polish scholars.

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