About the Togolese Czech
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contact linguistics
colonial language
Togolese Czech

How to Cite

Hrdlička, M. H. (2018). About the Togolese Czech. Bohemistyka, 17(4), 383–389. https://doi.org/10.14746/bo.2017.4.6


In today’s corpus era, linguists most often work with real language material,  with written or spoken texts. Based on the knowledge of the national language development it is also possible to reconstruct unpreserved or fragmentary historical forms of morphology etc. It is also interesting to try to predict a virtual outcome of mutual language effect of various languages that did not take place due to political reasons. In the 1920s, it was considered that the newly established independent Czechoslovakia (1918) would get a former German colony in Togo as a war reparation. This text looks at the hypothetical form of Togolese Czech that could have been formed by the contact of the local native languages, German and Czech as the incoming colonial language. 

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