Transgression as the key to reading the literary dialogue of Egon Bondy and Honza Krejcarová
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Czech literary
Egon Bondy
Honza Krejcarová

How to Cite

Kijanka, J. (2018). Transgression as the key to reading the literary dialogue of Egon Bondy and Honza Krejcarová. Bohemistyka, 18(4), 378–395.


The article attempts to analyse the literary dialogue between two representatives of Czech underground Culture: Egon Bondy and Honza Krejcarová. The authors were inspired by ideas and subjects which were forbidden in the countries of Eastern Europe under communism. Their focus was eroticism and liberated sexuality, mixing kitsch and transcendency, with use of the Bakhtin's aesthetics of lower stratum of the body. For Bondy and Krejcarová art was a way to find refuge and seek freedom. In my opinion the key to interpret their work is transgression, especially as described in the philosophic work of Georges Bataille. It turns out, that ‘to go beyond’ is for the authors a way to break free from the bonds of socrealistic art. The dialogue held in the so called samizdat, by clandestine copying and distribution, has not lost its scandalous undertone in the course of time.
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