Self-preservation instinct or betrayal of ideals. Czech literature against ethical dilemmas of the late communist era
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ethical message of literature
literary intrigue
moral nihilism

How to Cite

Gawarecka, A. (2020). Self-preservation instinct or betrayal of ideals. Czech literature against ethical dilemmas of the late communist era. Bohemistyka, 19(3), 311–328.


The eminent Czech writers of the the second half of the twentieth century, for example Václav Havel, Zdeněk Zapletal, Vladimír Macura or Ivan Vyskočil, tried in their works to show the ethical problems connected with the introducing the communist system (especially in its late phase, known as the „time of normalization”) and its influence on the human identity leading to call in guestion the paradigma of traditional values. They search the way to explore the state of the modern mind and they find it in the alienation and disintegration of personality caused by deformation of understanding these values which is perceived as the consequence of the disturbed ralation between the assumptions and directives of the communist ideology an the empirical reality of the political and social life.
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