»Věstník české menšiny« – the only Czech-language newspaper in the Sudetenland
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Věstník české menšiny
Vilém Stanovský
Czech Minority

How to Cite

Velčovský, . V. (2020). »Věstník české menšiny« – the only Czech-language newspaper in the Sudetenland. Bohemistyka, 19(3), 379–391. https://doi.org/10.14746/bo.2019.3.7


Věstník české menšiny (The Journal of the Czech Minority) was the only one Czech-language newspaper in Sudetenland after secession of borderlands. It was issued between 1938 and 1940 in Nový Jičín and represents a unique source for understanding the position of the Czech minority that remained in Sudetenland and pragmatic strategies of local journalists, artists and elites. This paper initially presents the so far neglected Věstník, focusing on the poetry published.

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