Artistic verbal fiction as a medium: polemical reflection on the possibilities and limits of interpretation
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creation of fiction

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Mikulášek, A. . (2023). Artistic verbal fiction as a medium: polemical reflection on the possibilities and limits of interpretation. Bohemistyka, 21(2), 143–168.


Following study is shaped as analytic notes, which describes a various types of „essences” of fiction and search to better un der stand how we can study some literary work as „medium” or „agency”, e.g. newspaper messages with functions in for ma tion, persuasive and entertaining: it is concerned about textes with any imitative function. One and the same fic ti tious event which was depicted with the help of discursus, persuasive declamation, e.g. report on clashes between protesters and policemen during unrest, can be created in two ways. However, one and the same literary work can be un derstood in two in ter pre ta tions as well, without cutting a semantic pos si bi li ties of literary text. We bring two different views of Jan Neruda´s poem Dědova mísa (Grandfa ther´s Bowl) and we are convinced that nowadays it offers two horizonts of per cep tion, con tro ver sial ideas. At the close of this paper we ask questions about so called image stereotypes, misunderstanding and our stereotyped „thresholds of interpretation” (not only of „fiction”).
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