Magical realism in the novel »Žítkovské bohyně«
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Kateřina Tučková
contemporary Czech fiction
magical realism
comparative literary studies

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Lukáš, J. . (2021). Magical realism in the novel »Žítkovské bohyně«. Bohemistyka, 21(2), 239–256.


The study deals with comparison between the novel Žítkovské bohyně (“The Žítková Goddesses” ) written by Kateřina Tučková and one of the variations of the esthetical concept of magical realism. Kateřina Tučková in her novel tried to treat accurately the theme of the women, goddesses from the area of Kopanice and set it into a concrete story. However, there are many passages in the narration where the tension between reality and the supernatural occurs. The goal of the article is to show those passages and analyze them on the basis of main characteristic features of magical realism.
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