There are three of us, there are five of them
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Czech grammar

How to Cite

Hrdlička, M. . (2021). There are three of us, there are five of them. Bohemistyka, 21(2), 260–262.


The number “five” plays an important role in Czech. This is caused by the perception of the world by human brain. It can perceive particular elements as unconnected, individual, up to the amount of four, inclusive. Starting with the number five, the brain stops to differentiate such elements as individual; they merge and therefore the brain perceives the given set of elements globally as a whole. This is manifested both in the declension (the number five and higher numbers are followed by plural nouns in genitive) and in the use of certain expressions (“rok” [year], “léta” [years]) or phraseology.
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Hrdlička M., 2002, O číslovce pět, Naše řeč 85, s. 52–54.

Hrdlička M., 2011, K užívání českých číslovek a číselných výrazů (se zřetelem k češtině jako cizímu jazyku), Studie z aplikované lingvistiky 2, s. 11–22.

Hrdlička M., 2020, Proč čtyři roky, ale pět let? Český jazyk a literatura 70, s. 244–245.