Corporeality and The Modern: The Example of Czech Ruralist Prose
Bohemistyka 4/2022
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Czech literature

How to Cite

Derková, V., & Kotásek, M. (2022). Corporeality and The Modern: The Example of Czech Ruralist Prose. Bohemistyka, 22(4), 525–542.


The article focuses on cultural changes that the human body goes through in Modernism. It points at the main features of the current disourse of the body. It stresses the importance of medicine and psychological discourses of the time and their link with political discourse of nationality. The same relevance is found regarding the new visual massmedia – especially newspapers and photography. The general outline of the most relevant features of Modernity in connection with the human body is followed by a particular analysis of ruralist prose by František Křelina and Václav Prokůpek. The analysis points at the relevancy of literature disourse facing competition from new modes of representation (especially visual ones).
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