In this study the problem of the abundant variability of forms within elementary counting in Czech language is pointed to. The results were gained on the basis of an anonymous inquiry among the native Czechs or the students of Czech studies. In some cases (for example in the mathematic problem 4 : 2 = 2) the participants in the inquiry mentioned ten various variants. Such an excessive variability of opinions is evaluated rather negatively.
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Hrdlička M., 2014, Je za pět minut tři čtvrtě na jedenáct, „Bohemistyka” 14, s. 87–89.
Hrdlička M., 2021, My jsme tři, jich je pět, „Bohemistyka” 21, s. 260–262. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/bo.2021.2.8
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