Life in the shadow of totalitarianism. »Pan Theodor Munstock« by Ladislav Fuks
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20th century literature
Ladislav Fuks

How to Cite

Znojek, P. (2024). Life in the shadow of totalitarianism. »Pan Theodor Munstock« by Ladislav Fuks. Bohemistyka, 24(2), 219–231.


The purpose of this article is an attempt to provide a literary and historical account of the situation of the Jewish community living in Prague during World War II. The subject of the study became the prose work of Ladislav Fuks Mr. Teodor Munstock. The author was part of a theme devoted to the prose of fear and danger in Czech literature of the 1960s. He presented a picture of a Jewish community under the influence of totalitarianism. Through the title character, he brought the reader closer to the mental state of the Jewish collective during the mentioned period.
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