They said it in Dohrán
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the development of language
the expansion of flexion
Czech language
passive participle
initial abbreviation

How to Cite

Hrdlička, M. (2024). They said it in Dohrán. Bohemistyka, 24(3), 485–488.


The natural language develops and various changes on all its levels occur by degrees. One of symptomatic features of language genesis is its unevenness. Not only individual languages but also their groups develop with uneven dynamism. The rate of changes differs in certain periods even within one language and its levels. In the formal morfology of contemporary Czech there is not only productive unification, differentiation and other processes, but also deflectivisation, weakening and limiting the flexion or even its loss. On the other hand there is the expansion of flexion when some adverbs and particles or some forms of passive participles are declined. (See the titles of TV programmes like (The Play is) Finished, (The Table is) Set, (The Results Are) Summed Up).
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