The article is a reminder of the significant contribution of Karel Hausenblas to Czech stylistics, namely the theoretical definition of teaching style in the system of functional styles. Hausenblas’ definition of functional style is of fundamental importance not only on the basis of the linguistic function of reporting, or aesthetic, as the stylistic theory has done until now, but on a combination of dominant functions in teaching communications, in addition to the reporting function as well as the directive, influencing function. Therefore, he considers teaching style as a complex style based on a combination of language functions in communications. He precisely differentiates the stylistic characteristics of teaching texts and, for example, popularizing texts, in which is the directive function also significantly applied. He emphasizes that the objective of popularizing texts is to motivate the recipient of the text to take an interest in the subject, while educational texts teach the recipient. Similarly, he compares a different share of the directive function in teaching texts and in different types of texts. The paper also focuses on the application of Hausenblas’ concept of teaching style in pedagogical and linguistic works (especially by M. Jelínek) and in the current theory of communication spheres and the definition of the sphere of school communication, and it focuses on the verbal component of teaching communications.
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