Time is playing with what happened yesterday. The Czech Literary Response to The Holocaust. The Overview (1945–1989)
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Ключевые слова

literary representations of the Holocaust
Shoah in the Czech literature
Cold War
Czech-Jewish relations

Как цитировать

Kowalska-Nadolna, U. (2024). Time is playing with what happened yesterday. The Czech Literary Response to The Holocaust. The Overview (1945–1989). Bohemistyka, 24(2), 207–218. https://doi.org/10.14746/bo.2024.2.5


The article provides an overview of the history of Czech literary representations of the Holocaust (with particular emphasis on prose) in the second half of the twentieth century, the period of the so-called Cold War (1945–1989). The author tries to show the sinusoidal presence of reflection on the Shoah experience in the works written by Czech writers, depending on the political situation and current artistic trends.

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Библиографические ссылки

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Janoušek, P. et al. (eds). 2012. Přehledné dějiny české literatury 1945–1989. Praha: Academia. 2012.

Holý, J., Málek, P., Špirit, M., Tomáš, F. (eds.). 2011. Šoa v české literatuře a v kulturní paměti. Praha: Akropolis.