Philosophy for Communites al Liceo “Govone” di Mondovì (Italy)


post philosophy for children/communities

How to Cite

Bevilacqua, S., & Casarin, P. (2017). Philosophy for Communites al Liceo “Govone” di Mondovì (Italy). ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 8(1), 252–262.


In this contribution we shall focus on the project of philosophy for communities carried out at the Liceo “Vasco-Beccaria-Govone” (Mondovì , Italy) within the IX edition (2016) of the CeSPeC Summer School on Futures, imagining the world of tomorrow. Philosophy is understood as a practice, an experience, a creation of concepts, an inquiry, as an exercise of argumentation and research. Thanks to this view, a dialogue has opened up with the pupis of this school. In this contribution we present the perspective of a post-philosophy for children and we understand it as an opportunity for philosophy in itself.


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