Society, Dispersed Knowledge and Uncertainty Toward Ethical Tales
Ethics in Progress - Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2020


theory of mechanism
dispersed knowledge
common good
ethical claims and reality
ethical tales

How to Cite

Zonik, P., & Zonik, J. (2020). Society, Dispersed Knowledge and Uncertainty Toward Ethical Tales. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 11(1), 99–119.

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In this article the assumptions of one of the versions of the common good concept in terms of the dispersion of knowledge and uncertainty are analyzed. The article also aims at showing the consequences in regard to moral attitudes in politics and economics which are drawn on the basis of the concepts of this type. In the first part I expound the ontological assumptions which are the basis for the analysis. In the second part the concept of common good in terms ofits own assumptions and in relation to the ontology developed in this article is discussed. In the third part I consider some general thoughts about the structure of the ethical tales and their reference.


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