Jacobi i jego polemika z idealizmem transcendentalnym
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transcendental idealism

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Nowikow, I. (2013). Jacobi i jego polemika z idealizmem transcendentalnym. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 4(1), 91–105. https://doi.org/10.14746/eip.2013.1.7

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The subject of this article is the practical philosophy of Friedrich H. Jacobi (1743-1819), which the author tries to reconstruct on the basis of the work entitled “Jacobi an Fichte” (1799). Jacobi distinguishes between two kinds of truth: “Wahrheit” and “das Wahre.” The former is the rational truth (knowledge), the latter – the intuitive truth (faith). In his opinion, the error of transcendental idealism, the exponents of which are Kant and Fichte, is that it respects only the rational truth. However, Jacobi points to the fact that while reason and necessity are the same, the former is contradictory to individual freedom. Therefore, the concept of transcendental idealism – despite the  intentions of its exponents – leads to the negation of freedom and ethics. These can be only justified by the intuitive truth, which is strongly connected with Christian religion.
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