Bezdroża smutku. Zdrada źródeł radości.

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Kozłowski, R. (2013). Bezdroża smutku. Zdrada źródeł radości. Filozofia Chrześcijańska, 10, 113–129.


Man is a being created for joy. Joy has many sources – small and large. Thus, he experiences great and small, long and short joys, just as great and small love, great and small hopes, great and small faith. Man, by betraying joy, enters a world of grief and despair, he lives as if he did not live, he loses a sense of meaning and value of life. Sometimes man has the courage to ask: “Why am I like this?” Oblomov in Goncharov’s novel never answered the question why I “died miserably,” while E. Stein never betrayed her little joy, little hope and little love – her only joy and truth turned out to be God, whom she sought and found.


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