About the Journal

The journal’s scope and reach

Thematic scope: contemporary dialectology, historical dialectology, borderlines of dialectology, linguistic geography, Slavic studies.
Territorial range: Slavic territory.
The research issues: subdialects in contemporary world, linguistic changes in rural areas, linguistic relations between Slavic subdialects, the cultural aspect of subdialects.
The journal’s main goal: integration of the Slavic dialectology milieu by, among other things, exchanging academic experiences of Slavic subdialects.

The review process

  1. The editors of "Gwary Dziś" do preliminary qualification of the submitted texts by verifying them against the journal’s subject as well as the formal and content-related requirements.
  2. The texts tentatively accepted by the editors are transferred to two independent reviewers from outside the author’s affiliated unit.
  3. In the case of texts written in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution of nationality other than the author’s nationality.
  4. The texts are reviewed according to the double-blind review process model where the author(s) and the reviewers are not aware of their identities.
  5. In the reviewing process, the reviewers need to keep their opinions on the reviewed text confidential and they are not allowed to make use of their knowledge of the text before publication thereof.
  6. The review needs to be in writing and end with an unambiguous conclusion about accepting the article for publication or rejection thereof.
  7. A reviewer transfers to the Editors an electronic review together with a hardcopy of it with a handwritten signature; the editors store the review for 2 years.
  8. The editors will not accept reviews which blatantly fail to satisfy the content-related or formal requirements of an academic review, including superficial reviews, including unmotivated critical opinions or praises, are bereft of logical links between the content and the conclusion i.e. scathingly critical reviews with a positive conclusion or vice versa.
  9. The reviewer’s comments are forwarded to the author of the reviewed text. Rational and well-justified conclusions presented in the review are binding and effective. The author undertakes to take the reviewers’ comments into account and correct the text accordingly. Should the author of the text disagree with a reviewer’s conclusions, he/she has the right to express his/her opinion before the Editors. The decision to publish the text is made by the Editor in Chief (supported by the members of the Editorial Committee), on the basis of an analysis of the comments and conclusions in the reviews with the author’s possible replies and the final version of the text provided by the author.
  10. Whenever an article receives two mutually exclusive reviews (one of the reviewers decides to reject an article, the other one is positive), the Editor in Chief has the right to the conclusive decision.
  11. The rules of qualifying or rejecting a text and the review form are made public on the Publisher’s or the journal’s websites.
  12. Once a year, the Editors publish on the website an updated, full list of the collaborating

Formularz recenzji /Review form 

The publication’s schedule

The journal is published once a year. A new issue is published by the second quarter of the year following the cover year. The online version is the original version.

Open access policy

According to the contract, the authors of the texts published in Gwary Dziś journal grant Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with an exclusive and free of charge license and allow to use the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) sub-license.

The authors retain the right to subsequent, free disposal of their texts.

The Users

The Internet users interested in using works published since 2015 in Gwary Dziś need to fulfil the following conditions:

acknowledgement of authorship – they are required to refer to the text’s author(s), title, source (references to the original text, the DOI) and the license itself;
without creating derivative works – the work needs to be maintained in its original form; translations or developments must not be distributed without the author’s consent.
For all the texts published before 2015, the copyrights are reserved.

The ethical rules

  • The authors of the publications present the results of their work in a transparent, reliable and honest way, in accordance with the rules of social responsibility and academic ethics. The authors undertake to clearly separate their own research and opinions from the research and opinions referred to in the text, and to indicate the participation of other cooperating academics as well as the entities financing the research. The editors consider practices like ghostwriting and guest authorship unacceptable; should instances of these practices be identified, the editors will notify about them the authors’ parent institutions.
    By submitting a text, the author declares that he/she is the author of the submitted text while the text is an original work. What is more, the author
  • declares that the text has not been submitted before any other academic journal,
  • reveals the source of financing of academic research, the results of which are presented in the submitted academic articles,
  • reveals a full list of the authors of the submitted articles,
  • obtains permits to publish other, copyrighted elements of an academic article (e.g. illustrations, photos).

The reviewers

Kateryna Hlukhovtseva (University of Luhansk, Ukraine)

Józef Kąś (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Andrei Kolesnykov (Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine)
Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)


The journal’s history

The first volume of "Gwary Dziś" was published in 2001 with J. Sierociuk as the editor. Initially, "Gwary Dziś" was a publisher series consisting of 6 volumes: 1. Research methodology, 2. Regional subdialect dictionaries and atlases, 3. The internal diversity of the language spoken in rural areas, 4. The contexts of dialectology, 5. A. Kowalska, Apellative names of places in Polish dialects, 6. The latest problems of Slavic  dialectology.

In 2015, the publication series was transformed into an online journal.

Sources of Support