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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Signing a license agreement is a prerequisite for publishing a text.

The articles can be submitted in the.doc (Word or Open Writer) format and a copy in the.pdf format (preferably, include the author’s name without the diacritics in the name of the file). An article can have from 20,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces. Please use Times New Roman font (as it is equipped with the biggest number of various characters). Should non-standard fonts be used, please attach a file with the fonts. Any graphic elements to be inserted in the article need to be delivered in separate files in the .tiff or .pdf format, resolution minimum 300 DPI. Preferably, include the number of the illustration and the first word of the inscription in the name.

  • The article’s editorial structure:
    The author’s full Christian name (s) and family name (in the case of East Slavic authors, also the patronymic) – Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • The affiliation – a full name of the academic centre (the name of the institution followed by the name of the institute) and its location (if not included in the name) –Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • The author’s e-mail address – Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • The text’s title –Times New Roman font, size 14p., bold.
  • An abstract – in the article’s language, 500 – 800 characters with spaces–Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • Key words in the article’s language – 3-7 words –Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • A synopsis in English with translation of the article’s title (1,000-1,500 characters).
  • Key words in English – 3-7 words–Times New Roman font, size 10 p.
  • Crossheads:
    1 degree –Times New Roman font, size 14p., bold;
    2 degree – Times New Roman font, size 14p.;
    3 degree –Times New Roman font, size 12p., bold;
    4 degree – Times New Roman font, size 12p.
  • The main text – Times New Roman font, size 12p. Paragraphs marked with indentation.
  • Do not hyphenate words on the borders of verses – please switch off the “word hyphenation”
  • Bibliographic references: in round brackets, in the main text insert the family name of the quoted author and the year or an abbreviated title (of e.g. an atlas) used in the list of quoted works and, after a coma, the page or pages, e.g.: (Sławski 1974, 123); (Kreja 1969, 99-101); In the case of works consisting of several volumes (e.g. atlases), please follow this rule: abbreviated work name, the volume in Roman numerals, the page in Arabic numerals (e.g. AJKLW, X, 35); if a reference to a map is made, place the abbreviation in front of the Arabic numeral: m. (e.g.: AJKLW, VIII, m. 671).
  • Names used in the text for the first time should be used as full Christian and family names, further in the text the initials will suffice. The names of the authors referred to in the text and in the list of the quoted literature cannot be hyphenated.
  • The footnotes at the bottom of the page – Times New Roman font, size 10p. Ways of quoting:
  • Examples are provided in italics,- meaning in secondary quotation marks, e.g. conifer ‘pine tree’;
    - alternations should be divided by the colon followed by a space, e.g. h : g, hołota : gołota;
    - reconstructed forms need to be marked with an asterisk, e.g. *jęgja;
    - word origin needs to be marked with the less-than and more-than signs followed by spaces, e.g. wyleganie < wylegać, ujść > ujście;
    - various forms of the same word need to be separated with a single slash followed by a space, e.g. wołu / woła;
    - prefixes, suffixes, infixes, endings are preceded, surrounded or finished by a hyphen without a space (the shortest hyphen), e.g. -isko (boisko), po- (pozielenieć), -o- (bladoróżowy);
  • Quotations are provided in quotation marks: “”, mark the omitted fragments with the ellipsis in square brackets: [...], quotation supplements also need to be placed in square brackets and accompanied by the  initials of the supplement’s author following a hyphen (a dash – the figure dash), e.g. “in the temple [...] the stairs were [very – M.A.] high but also wide so they did not seem steep”.
    Quotations consisting of more than three verses are also written in a regular font (rather than italics); they are highlighted with larger two-sided margins and a smaller font (Times New Roman, size 10 p.) – then do not place the quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the quoted fragment.
  • Tables: - table title: Times New Roman, size 12p., bold; - table content: Times New Roman, size 10p.;- source: Times New Roman, size 10p.
  • Illustrations (including photographs, graphs, diagrams) need to be attached as separate files in the .tiff or .pdf formats, resolution minimum 300 DPI (in the name of the file include the illustration number and the first word of the inscription); in the main text, mark the suggested place where an illustration should be inserted by providing an inscription – Times New Roman, size 10p.
  • The quoted literature should be provided in alphabetical order (with an indentation preceding the author’s name). Texts in the Cyrillic script need to be transliterated into the Latin alphabet – identifying elements like the Christian and family name, the title. The rules of transliteration are as follows:
    - for monographs:
    Бернштейн С.Б. [Bernshtejn S.B.] (1974), Очерк сравнительной грамматики славянских языков: Чередования. Именные основы [Ocherk sravnitel’noj grammatiki slavyanskih yazykov: Cheredovaniya. Imennye osnovy], Москва.
    Tomaszewski A. (1934), Mowa ludu wielkopolskiego, Poznań.
    - for collective works:
    Grzegorczykowa R., Puzynina J. (1979), Słowotwórstwo współczesnego języka polskiego, Warszawa.
    - with bibliographic abbreviations used in the text:
    АОС, Архангельский областной словарь [Arhangel´skij oblastnoj slovar´], ред. О.Г. Гецовa, Е.А. Нефедовa [O.G. Getsova, E.A. Nefedova], вып. 1–19, Москва 1980–2018.
    SJPD, Słownik języka polskiego, W. Doroszewski (ed.), vol. 1–11, Warszawa 1958–1969.
    - for an article in a collective work:
    Гриценко П.Ю. [Hrytsenko P.Yu.] (2014), Про один тип джерел сучасних діалектологічних студій [Pro odyn typ dzherel suchasnykh dialektolohichnykh studii], [в:] Діалекти в синхронії та діахронії: загальнослов’янський контекст [Dialekty v synkhronii ta diakhronii: zahalnoslovianskyi kontekst], Київ, c. 145–154.
    Kallas K. (1984), Słowotwórstwo przymiotników, [w:] Gramatyka współczesnego języka polskiego. Morfologia, R. Grzegorczykowa, R. Laskowski, H. Wróbel (eds.), Warszawa, pp. 418-428.
    - for an article in a journal:
    Harasimowicz I. (1954), O niektórych elementach niemieckich w dialekcie ostródzkim, “Język Polski”, no. 4, pp. 276-285.
    Ивић М. [Ivić M.] (1999), Бело као лингвистички и культуролошки проблем [Belo kao lingvistički i kulturološki problem], «Jужнословенски филолог», LX, c. 1–19.
    - for a website:
    the exact address, date of access, e.g., 23.05.2014.
    NB: The sequence of the publications of a single author needs to be provided in chronological (rather than alphabetical) order. In the case of articles from collective works and journals, provide the pages. Do not provide the publishers.



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