The article discusses the orthography and spelling in questionnaires for the German Language Atlas written in the 1880s in the central and eastern parts of contemporary Masuria, a region in the north-east of Poland. The questionnaires contain translations of 40 German sentences (compiled by Georg Wenker, a librarian from Marburg) into the local dialect. With regard to the spelling and orthography, the material analysed takes into account, among other things, the occurrence of é, e.g. lepiéj, Śniég, the use of j to denote g, e.g. inaczeg, jagka, nag więczey, also as a result of asynchronous pronunciation of soft labial consonants, e.g. c’ezegenc’, dschischag, dzegenc ‘dziewięć’. The text highlights the wide variety of renditions in writing of the y vowel, e.g. y᷆, ӳ, ỳ, ÿ, ў. Examples are provided of German-related spelling, e.g. with the use of z instead of c: zalezarno ‘całe czarno’, uzuł ‘najwięcej się uczył’; tz instead of c: motzno, umentzone. The questionnaires under discussion clearly show the persistence of old Polish spelling traditions, while on the other hand they indicate the influence of German orthography.
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