The systematic research in the fi eld of the history of historiography at the University of Rzeszow ought to be connected with the establishment of the Department of History of Historiography and Methodology of History at the Institute of History in 1993. Th e cooperation with scientifi c circles from Poland, Austria, Germany and Ukraine led to the production and publication of a number of papers on the historical community of Lviv (until 1939) as well as theoretical studies on the history of historiography and biography. Owing to the rich ethnic and cultural mosaic, the former capital of Galicia created a unique opportunity to develop methodological concepts that introduced new fi elds of analysis and interpretation of sources. In the undertaken studies, we managed to combine a traditional, elitist and personalistic way of looking at a historical environment in cultural contexts, including areas where historiography the history of culture meet, and so do thehistory of education, the methodology of history, and the history of institutions, archives, libraries and scientifi c societies. Th e aim at that time was to focus on the problems of Polish and Ukrainian historiographies that created nations, the teaching and popularization of history, national heroes, and the role played by historians in the socio-political life of the Polish and Ukrainian nations. Particular att ention was drawn to the processes of forming the history of historiography and methodology of history as separate historical subdisciplines, and Ukrainian scientifi c achievements in these fi elds were analyzed and the trends of their further development were pointed out. It was considered important to emphasize the role of methodological refl ection for contemporary historiographic studies, as well as to identify the place that
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