About the Journal

Aim and Scope
The aim of the journal is to publish the results of all interdisciplinary music research. The thematic range concerns music in all its possible approaches, both scientific and humanistic. Therefore, the presented issues include a reflection on music, which is practiced in the framework of contemporary musicology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, semiotics, acoustics, psychology, cognitive science, etc. The territorial scope of the magazine is unlimited.

Since 1991, the then Department of Musicology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, on the initiative of the then Head of the Department, Jan Stęszewski and Maciej Jabłoński, organized meetings of musicologists from all over Europe - international conferences called Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology. The organizers of the series of conferences assumed that the subject of musicological research, defined in a modern way, must consist of a reflection of many fields, because only at the intersection of these trajectories of thinking about music, as a result of an interdisciplinary view, a true and convincing picture of the phenomenon of a musical work, or music in general, is created. The four editions of the conference in Poznań hosted researchers from many countries: Germany, Austria, Finland, the United States, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Israel and Poland, representing a wide spectrum of academic disciplines such as history, aesthetics, semiotics, cultural anthropology, philosophy, acoustics and psychology, sociology. Taking into account these experiences, the then Department of Musicology made efforts to establish a publishing series in the form of an international musicological yearbook called Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology.

Review process
At least two independent reviewers from outside the unit are appointed to evaluate each article. Authors and reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called "double-blind review process"). The reviewer signs a declaration of no conflict of interest; a conflict of interest is considered to be the following between the reviewer and the author: a) direct personal relationships (kinship, legal relationships, conflict), b) professional subordination relationships, c) direct scientific cooperation in the last two years preceding the preparation of the review. The review is in writing and ends with an unequivocal conclusion as to the acceptance of the article for publication or its rejection.

Open Access Policy
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. By submitting their text, the authors agree that all ISM texts are published in accordance with the Open Access clause: they undergo a full scientific review process, are made available free of charge on the PRESSto platform, can be downloaded free of charge from the PRESSto platform

Reliability in science is one of its qualitative foundations. Readers should be sure that the authors of the publication present the results of their work in a transparent, reliable and honest manner, regardless of whether they are its direct authors or whether they used the assistance of a specialized entity (natural or legal person). Evidence of the ethical attitude of a researcher and the highest editorial standards should be the disclosure of information about entities contributing to the creation of the publication (substantive, material, financial contribution, etc.), which is a manifestation not only of good manners, but also of social responsibility. Contrasting examples are ghostwriting and guest authorship.
We deal with "ghostwriting" when someone has made a significant contribution to the creation of the publication, without disclosing his participation as one of the authors or without mentioning his role in the acknowledgments included in the publication. We deal with "guest authorship" ("honorary authorship") when the author's participation is negligible or did not take place at all, and yet he/she is the author/co-author of the publication.
In order to counteract the cases of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship", the editors of the journal apply the following solutions:
a) the editors declare that all detected cases of "ghostwriting", "guest authorship" will be disclosed, including notification of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.)
b) the author is obliged to sign a written declaration confirming the authorship and that the submitted text has not been previously published anywhere (download declaration)
c) in the case of articles written by more than one author, the editors require disclosure of the contribution of individual authors to the publication, with the main responsibility of the author submitting the manuscript
d) the author is obliged to provide information on the sources of research funding, the publication of which is the effect ("financial disclosure"), e.g. grants, funding by parent institutions, etc.
e) the editorial office declares that all manifestations of scientific misconduct, in particular violations and violations of the rules of ethics in science, will be documented.



Prof.dr hab. Alicja Jarzębska (Instytut Muzykologii UJ, Kraków)
Prof. dr hab. Anna Czekanowska (prof. emeritus, Collegium Civitas, dawniej Instytut Muzykologii UW, Warszawa)
Dr hab. Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska (Instytut Sztuki PAN, Warszawa)
Dr Barbara Literska (Instytut Muzyki, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski)
Prof. UWr, dr hab. Bożena Muszkalska (Katedra Muzykologii, UWr, Wrocław)
Dr Danuta Popinigis (Akademia Muzyczna w Gdańsku; zgoda na współprace od 2013r)
Prof. UAM dr hab. Elżbieta Nowicka (Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM, Poznań)
Prof. UAM dr hab. Ewa Domańska (Instytut Historii UAM, Poznań)
Prof. dr hab. Irena Poniatowska (Narodowy Instytut im. F. Chopina, Warszawa)
Dr hab. Iwona Lindstedt (Instytut Muzykologii UW, Warszawa)
Prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz (Instytutu Muzykologii UJ, Kraków)
Doc. dr hab. Zofia Chechlińska (Narodowy Instytut im. F. Chopina, Warszawa)
Prof. dr hab. Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek (Instytut Muzykologii UW, Warszawa)
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Józef Nowak (Instytut Filozofii UJ, Kraków)
Dr Krzysztof Guczalski (Instytut Filozofii UJ, Kraków)
Prof. UAM dr hab. Krzysztof Moraczewski (Instytut Kulturoznawstwa UAM, Poznań)
Prof. dr hab. Leszek Polony (Akademia Muzyczna, Kraków)
Dr Paweł Gancarczyk (Instytut Sztuki PAN, Warszawa)
Prof. dr hab. Roman Kubicki (Instytut Filozofii UAM, Poznań)
Prof. UW, dr hab. Piotr Dahlig (Instytut Muzykologii UW, Warszawa)
Dr hab. Prof. AMŁ Marta Szoka (Akademia Muzyczna w Łodzi)
Dr hab. Magdalena Dziadek (Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie)
Dr Maria Stolarzewicz (Hohschule für Musik, Weimar)
Prof. Germán Gan Quesada (Departament d'Art i Musicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Dr Christoph Neidhöfer (Department of Music Research, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montreal)
Dr Belén Pérez Castillo (Departamento de Musicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Dr Christine Anderson (Berlin)
Dr Rüdiger Ritter (Freie Universität Berlin)
Dr Christine Blanken (Bach-ArchivLeipzig)
Dr Jana Bartowa (Katedra HudobnejVedy, UniverzitaKomenskeho v Bratislave)
Dr Marina Tofetti (Dipartimento di Storia delle Arte Visive e della Musica, Universita di Padova)
Dr Jan Bat’a (Ustav Hudebni Vedy, Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
Dr Helmut Lauterwasser (RISM, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München)
Dr Vladimír Maňas (Ústavu Hudební Vědy, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno)
Dr Katarina Ster (Muzikološki Institut, Znanstvenoraziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umnetnosti, Ljubljana)
Dr Matthias Lundberg (InstitutionenförMusikvetenskap, Uppsala Universitet)
Dr hab. Aleksandra Patalas (Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego)
Dr hab. Tomasz Jeż (Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego)


Rozbudowa pełnotekstowego zasobu bazy danych platformy PRESSto o archiwalne numery czasopism wydawanych na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu czasopisma Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology za lata 2007-2015, zadanie jest finansowane w ramach umowy 662/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.