About the Journal

The Journal of Gender and Power is a scholarly, interdisciplinary journal, which features articles from all the fields of gender studies, while drawing on various paradigms and approaches. We invite scholars to submit articles and reviews reporting on theoretical considerations and empirical research.

The Journal of Gender and Power is interdisciplinary in nature, and its main objective is to create a platform for debate focused on the question of how cultural gender is built and rebuilt in contemporary societies. Without doubt, the dynamics of changing sexual identities of femininity and masculinity in contemporary societies deserves detailed academic discussion (also through comparison with historical contexts). Some decades ago, it would have seemed easy to answer the question on what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a man. Currently, there are many ways of carrying out femininity and masculinity or carrying out cultural gender. This is accompanied by increasing theoretical pluralism as far as approaches to femininity and masculinity go, and an increasing confrontation of various ideological approaches.

The foundation of the Journal of Gender and Power does not originate from any presumptions, although the category of equality certainly is its elementary message. On the other hand, the category of power present in its title may have several connotations. One can refer to its post-structural interpretation where power constitutes truth and is part of a fight on the meanings ascribed to social life, and femininity and masculinity. However, power can also refer to opportunities as far as carrying out one’s own subjectivity in building one’s own femininity or masculinity. In turn, in analyses on power it is also possible to make attempts at understanding how it is used by dominating groups to build social inequalities, including gender inequalities.

The Journal of Gender and Power is a forum for interdiscourse and interparadigmatic dialogue among representatives of various options, in the theoretical, ideological and methodological contexts. Each issue includes texts on culture studies and sociology that go beyond the issue of gender in the strict sense of the word, thereby providing a detailed background for understanding gender processes.



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