The cultural and social assimilation of immigrants, and systemic solutions - Poles in Norway and Ukrainians in Poland in the light of comparative research
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assimilation of immigrants
Poles in Norway
Ukrainians in Poland

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Nowiak, W., & Stelmach, A. (2018). The cultural and social assimilation of immigrants, and systemic solutions - Poles in Norway and Ukrainians in Poland in the light of comparative research. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 89–102.


The article presents the problem of migration and assimilation of newcomers in the countries of residence. One of the main reasons for migration are economic and social considerations, this applies to both non-European arrivals and internal migration. The aim of this study, conducted by scholars from Norway and Poland, is to compare systemic solutions both within the social legislation and the functioning of the labor market with respect to Poles and Ukrainians, confronting them with existing barriers regarding the possibility of assimilation and obstacles related to the transformation of economic into settlement migration. The methodological and theoretical basis of the team’s research is comparative methods, including comparative politics. The research on immigrants was conducted using both quantitative methods - statistical and qualitative data analysis - and research using the in-depth interview method. Poles and Ukrainians are not at the same stage of formal migration due to the formal plane. According to the analysis, Ukrainians have much greater opportunities for actual assimilation than Poles in Norway. Smaller cultural differences and linguistic barriers to the Ukrainians in Poland are conducive to this process. If the state and Polish society take advantage of this situation and enable the settlement of Ukrainians and make their job offers more attractive, there is a chance that they will fill the emerging demographic gap. It would be for the benefit of both societies.
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