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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The length of the paper, including footnotes/endnotes and bibliography must not exceed the
standard unit of text length of 40,000 characters including spaces.
Reviews, polemics and information must not be longer than half a standard page of 1800
characters including spaces.

The text must be formatted as follows:
- word processor: Winword, font: Times New Roman, 12pt
- margins 2,5cm;

1. Author’s full name (font: Times New Roman, 12pt, flush left)
2. Tertiary education institution (font: Times New Roman, 12pt, flush left)
3. ORCID ID: (Times New Roman, 10pt)
4. Paper title (font: Times New Roman, 14pt, bold, centred )
5. Abstract: Times New Roman, 11pt, single spacing, fully justified
6. Keywords: the abstract should be followed by 4-6 keywords separated by semicolons
7. Main body of the text
- font: Times New Roman, 12pt
- line spacing – 1,5
- subheadings (Times New Roman, 12pt, bold, centred, not numbered)
- quotations must be included within quotation marks (not italicised)
- italics must be used only for book titles, paper titles, short foreign-language phrases or
8. Bibliography
9. Title of the text in English
10. Abstract and keywords (4-6) in English
11. Biographical note in Polish (150-200 characters) and in English (150-200 characters),
including the e-mail address.

The abstract must be in Polish and English. (min. 1300 – max. 1500 characters). The abstract
must reflect the content of the paper.
The English version must reflect the Polish version.
The abstract must include the following elements:
- a short outline of the subject of the research,
- research objective and questions,
- methodology (the manner in which the research was done, applied research methods and
- research results and conclusions.
The abstract is followed by 4-6 keywords – in Polish and English

For bibliographical references the Oxford referencing style should be used. References are made
to specific items on the bibliography list.
References must be parenthesised next to relevant information, an opinion, a view, provided in the
following order (a surname, a publication date, a page), e.g.:
- (Nowak, 1999, p. 10) – if the cited work has one author;
- (Nowak, Kowalski, 2000, pp. 145-150) – if the cited work has two or more authors;
- (Inquiry) – The first word of the title is provided if the author of the cited publication is
- A part of the title (2 or more words) of the publication is provided if the bibliography
includes several titles beginning with the same words:
Explicatory notes must be included at the bottom of the page.

Full bibliographical data must be provided in the list of the referenced literature (bibliography),
included at the end of the paper. The list should be alphabetised by names of the authors, and in
the case of recurring publication dates of publications by the same author - by dates of the works
in a chronological order (with an addition of lower-case letters, e.g. 2003a, 2003b, 2003c).

Sample references:

Barber B. R. (2003), Strong Democracy Participatory Politics for a New Age, University of
California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles- London.
Friedent L. A. (1998), New Citizenship, „Media & Society”, vol. 18, no. 2.
Inquiry into Democracy. Report (2003), Parliament of Victoria,
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997, Journal of Laws, 1997, no. 78,
item 483.
Kowalski P. (2008), Rozwój cywilizacji, Wydawnictwo ABC, Warszawa.
Krasuski K. (2009), Nowy pomysł na prywatyzację giełdy, „Rzeczpospolita,” 27.11.2009.
Miserez M.-A., Switzerland: a country of politicians, 24.08.2009,,
zerland:_a_country_of_politicians.html?cid=669352, accessed on 15.10.2012.
Nowak R. (1999), Władza i demokracja, [in:] Demokracja i władza, ed. J. Kowalski,
Wydawnictwo XYZ, Warszawa.
Rybińska A. „Nie” dla rozbrojenia narodu, 14.02.2011, „Rzeczpospolita”,, accessed on

Every graph, table, figure, etc. must be captioned with a title (Times New Roman, bold, 10pt)
and a reference (Times New Roman, 10p). The title must be provided above the presented
graph, table or figure, and the reference under it.
Photograph quality: photographs must be up to 300 dpi.
The editorial board will not consider for publication texts wrongly formatted or texts
that do not include any one of the required elements. In a case like this the editorial
board will not be bound to contact the author of the submitted paper.
The author of the paper accepted for publication will not be allowed to make any
changes to the text once the editing process gets underway; it is advisable to send the final version of the text to the editorial board. The editorial board reserves the right to change and abridge the submitted text with the author’s approval.

Author’s full name (Times New Roman, 12pt)
Tertiary education institution (Times New Roman, 12pt)
ORCID ID: (Times New Roman, 10pt)

Title of the paper (Times New Roman, 14, bold) – centred

Abstract: The abstract must be written in Times New Roman, 11pt, single spacing, the text must be
fully justified…

Keywords: every abstract must be followed by between 4 and 6 keywords separated by semicolons

Body of the text (12pt, Times New Roman), fully justified, line spacing

Subheadings in the text body
Times New Roman, 12pt, bold, with no number of the individual sections of the text, centred


Title in English

Abstract: The abstract in English must reflect the Polish version
Key words: 4-6 keywords

Biographical note in Polish and e-mail address
Biographical note in English and e-mail address


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.