Advisory bodies and their role in the organizational structure of the public broadcaster


media management
program board
advisory bodies on television

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Barańska, M. (2017). Advisory bodies and their role in the organizational structure of the public broadcaster. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 75–88.


Governance of a media company, particularly a public broadcaster, is subject to the applicable legal solutions, the economic situation of the company, the accepted management concept of this type of organization. Also of significance is the issue of the broadcaster’s organizational structure, division of powers and the terms of reference of individual divisions. A specific characteristic of the organizational structure of public radio and television in Poland is the existence of Programme boards, as units empowered by the authorities to actively participate in the company management. Referring to the activities of the Polish Television SA, this paper discusses issues related to institutional models of public media and the mutual relationships between the governing bodies of the company. Considering the subject of the publication, special attention was paid to the roles, significance and practices utilized by the programme boards in performing their tasks.


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