Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan should not be seen as two states which are close because of their Soviet past. In fact, the titular ethnic groups of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan – Azerbaijanis and Kazakhs – come from a greater Turkic family. Azerbaijani-Kazakh brotherhood takes its roots from the very origins of the Turkic peoples that spread from the Altai Mountains and has been cemented by the Islamic factor. Maintaining maritime borders through the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are important nations for one another. Azerbaijan is seen as a bridge for Kazakhstan to access Turkey and Europe, while Kazakhstan offers Azerbaijan routes to Central Asia and China. The two countries attach great importance to their mutual relations, both bilateral and within various international organizations. These relations have only increased and not experienced any downturns or problems in the past 25 years. Kazakhstan recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which is an important deal for Azerbaijan in its current conflict with neighboring Armenia. The countries even reached an agreement on the legal status of the Caspian Sea quite rapidly, while similar accords are still absent with other littoral countries. They are both interested in developing an East-West transport and energy corridor, enjoying a favorable geopolitical location that could serve as a bridge between the continents.
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