Is America safer today? The first changes to U.S. foreign and security policy during the presidency of Donald Trump


Donald Trump
United States
U.S. foreign and security policy

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Waśko-Owsiejczuk, E. (2017). Is America safer today? The first changes to U.S. foreign and security policy during the presidency of Donald Trump. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 161–178.


This article describes the first months of Donald Trump’s presidency. It presents his most important decisions on U.S. foreign and security policy, the voices of those critical and supportive of him, and possible implications for U.S. security. Even during his election campaign, some of Trump’s proposals raised concerns among the international community and many questions about past alliances. He has announced the introduction of laws for the immediate removal of illegal immigrants from the United States, and the reintroduction of torture as a tool for fighting terrorism. He has criticized the current policy of cooperation with allies, and the provision of security to other countries at the expense of the United States. The decisions made during Donald Trump’s first 100 days affect the internal situation of the United States, both in the context of national security and the political system, due to the emerging constitutional crisis and the friction between the executive and the judiciary branches. His decisions also affect relations between the United States and its allies, transforming America’s role in the world and the impact of the superpower on the collective system of security.


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