The power of contemporary states. Theoretical approach
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Łoś, R. (2018). The power of contemporary states. Theoretical approach. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 31–44.


The issue of the power of contemporary states has not lost its significance, which can be seen in various theories of international relations. It remains valid despite the changes in the international system and different perception of states’ power. The changes in the international system have made soft power as important as the military or economic power of a state. It is also important to consider the source of power, embodied in a well-functioning state or a will of the community to accomplish its goals. The assessment of the power of contemporary states should also take into account the international system, which greatly influences which elements of power are more, and which are less important in a given situation. It has to be recognized that the power of the state is a complex outcome of military, economic and soft factors. However, external, systemic factors that ultimately determine the power of the state should also be taken into account. Several research methods have been used in researching the power of the state. One is the method of systemic analysis, which is particularly important in power studies as it determines where power is located on different levels of the international system. The statistical methods that take into account both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the phenomena studied are important, especially in the field of power. The comparative method (analogy) is also used, as it allows similarities and differences between processes and phenomena to be detected.
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