Politics of Diversity as a Hermeneutical Problem
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Pietrzak, E. (2019). Politics of Diversity as a Hermeneutical Problem. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 27–37. https://doi.org/10.14746/pp.2019.24.1.2


In public discourse we can observe many ways of using the term “diversity”, therefore it is necessary in this respect to organize the concepts and a reliable, hermeneutical analysis of the discourse, which is a theoretical introduction to further, detailed research in various disciplines and an indication of how this ambiguity affects political practice. In the article will be analysed aspects of political diversity. The aim of the article is to outline a research area, including the political nature of diversity, posing and justifying research questions, which will be developed in further research. Due to the specificity of the data used in the study, their transdisciplinary character and the intersection of different points of view, the hermeneutical method by Hans Georg Gadamer will be the most appropriate method for their analysis. The starting point here may be the hypothesis that due to the change in the conditions of functioning of the public sphere, such as globalisation processes, widespread education and increased migration activity, it can be observed that representatives of various groups who have remained in the shadow of the private sphere or on the outskirts of the public sphere are relocating their activity to its centre, thus changing the dynamics of democratic political systems.
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