The Moroccan counter-terrorism strategy
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violent radicalization

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Kosmynka, S. (2019). The Moroccan counter-terrorism strategy. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 77–92.


The paper shows mechanisms and manifestations of the jihadism in Morocco. It analyses the background of the activity of some radical groups and the terrorist cells that make references to the distortion in the interpretation of Islam and are present in this part of Maghreb region of the North Africa. The article refers to some social and economic conditions for violent radicalization. It is focused on the most important dimensions of the counter-terrorism strategy implemented by the Moroccan government now and in the past. Its main purpose is to approximate some crucial aspects of the counter-terrorism policy and practical solutions applied to fight and prevent terrorism in the national and regional context. The paper shows how the Moroccan government deals with the jihadi threat and evaluates the impact of these efforts. The methodological analysis is based on the integration of historical and system method and refers to the Marc Sageman’s theory of the jihadist network, which is more appropriate to understand how they appear and operate. The main conclusion of the article is that Morocco has implemented the multidimensional and integrated counter-terrorism policy developed both in the national and intenational area. Regarding the effectiveness of this strategy it should be emphasized that ti is essential to introduce on the wider scale the social and economic inclusion programs addressed especially to the youth to prevent violent extremism.
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