An Analysis of NEETs Situation in UE-28 Countries and the Example of Netherlands


NEETs generation
youth unemployment
unemployment in the European Union
NEETs in the Netherlands
supporting youth on the labor market

How to Cite

Kusa, N., & Jasiak, K. (2020). An Analysis of NEETs Situation in UE-28 Countries and the Example of Netherlands. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 39–51.


The aim of the article is to compare a NEET rate in EU-28 countries based on the most recent Eurostat statistical studies, and to solve a research problem concerning the situation of youth on the job market through answering a research question how did the NEETs situation change in the period under question which is 2008–2018. An increase of the negative trend of high unemployment among young people is constant, therefore it seems justified for the analysis to cover the period of ten years, which assumingly allows for the more complex assessment of the investigated issue. The analysis is supplemented by the case study of Netherlands which has the lowest NEET rate and as such stands as the example for the other European countries to follow.


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