Between Relative Deprivation and Gratification: A Study in the Gals for Gals’ Sense of Reproductive Security


protest movement
pro-choice movement
contentious politics
Dziewuchy Dziewuchom (Gals for Gals)
political conflict
relative deprivation theory

How to Cite

Rak, J. (2020). Between Relative Deprivation and Gratification: A Study in the Gals for Gals’ Sense of Reproductive Security. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 95–106.


The study examines the political thought of the pro-choice Dziewuchy Dziewuchom (Gals for Gals) movement, which was active in Poland in 2016–2018. The main goal of the analysis was to determine how the sense that one’s needs were satisfied was changing during the political activity of the Gals and to what extent these changes depended on the external stimuli provided by Polish Parliament working on two bills to tighten the anti-abortion law. The research issues were resolved using qualitative source analysis, relational content analysis and the dyad of the theoretical categories of relative deprivation (RD) and gratification (RG). The study shows that the Gals for Gals movement created an internally coherent picture of their situation. However, relative deprivation and gratification were manifested only immediately after the movement was established and on its first anniversary. The manifestations did not depend on external stimuli provided by the successive stages of the legislative processes. The manifestations of deprivation served the purpose of discursive self-legitimation of the movement, and of gratification expressed organizational success. These types of attitudes emerged during the second stage, that is after the rejection of the first bill at the second reading, when the Gals discursively self-relegitimated the movement and expressed a sense of organizational success and satisfaction of the need for social recognition. This means that the Gals were not satisfied with achieving the goals of the movement, and the efforts to neutralize relative deprivation did not motivate their political activity.


This paper is the outcome of a research program “The dynamics of the culture of political violence of anti-austerity movements in Europe,” financed by the National Science Center. Grant registration number: 2016/23/D/HS5/00192.


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