The subject of my interest is to present the main directions of North Korea’s internal and foreign policy in 2019 and 2020. At the outset, I intend to investigate the reasons for the deterioration of relations between the communist regime in Pyongyang and the United States after a failed meeting between Asian leader Kim Jong Unem and US President Donald Trump in Hanoi in February 2019. In the rest of my considerations, my intention is to analyze the implications of the coronavirus pandemic for North Korean diplomacy and the country’s economic situation. In addition, I touch the issue of Kim’s disappearance from the stage in April 2020 and the possible consequences of this event both for the DPRK’s internal policy and for the international community. Additionally, I have examined the possible implications of Joe Biden’s election as president for the United States for the situation in North Korea. In the summary I presented the forecasts for the future, attempting to answer the question whether in the era of contemporary international situation, significant changes should be expected on the Korean Peninsula. In my research I used the method of systems analysis.
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